Fr Hesse Sspx

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54:32 / 1:22:16

This is the best talk of Fr. Hesse on the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and one of his most popular talks of all time (recorded in 1997). Hesse MP3 collection, this talk is titled 'Return to Sanity'. Hesse qualifications: Fr. Hesse was appointed theologian by the Holy Father, John Paul II. He has his Doctorate from the Pontifical University in Rome in theology and canon law. He has his Doctorate from the Pontifical University in Rome in theology and canon law. Gregory Hesse, S.T.D., J.C.D., S.T.L., J.C.L., Canon Lawyer, Doctor of Thomistic Theology, lifelong friend and personal secretary of Cardinal Stickler at the Vatican from 1986-1988 has provided us with many talks and conferences where he gives a no-nonsense, intelligent, learned, and witty exposition and explanation of relevant topics facing contemporary faithful Catholics. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. From the 34 minute mark on, Fr Hesse warns why the SSPX of his day were right not to want to place themselves under the administrative authority of Rome. He explains that the sole reason for the creation of the FSSP was to take people and priests away from the SSPX. He explains why the FSSP are formally in heresy.

Fr. Hesse on the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) (Professionally Remastered)
Christus Rex
Published on Aug 26, 2017
This is the best talk of Fr. Hesse on the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and one of his most popular talks of all time (recorded in 1997). In the Fr. Hesse MP3 collection, this talk is titled 'Return to Sanity'.
There are dozens of notable parts and statements from his talk which I included in multiple comments under this video with timestamps so you can jump directly to those spots. Please see this video's comments for these timestamps. Below is a small sample (about 1/3 of them):
15:00 – 'Lumen Gentium 16 says that the Muslims together with us adore one merciful God. This is blasphemy and heresy. [...] They do not adore one merciful God with us but against us because they deny the Incarnation, and they deny the Blessed Trinity, and they use words which I don't want to repeat here to describe what is the idea of the Trinity, and Vatican II has the blasphemous audacity to speak about them and the Jews praying to the same God we do. This is a thoroughly and entirely Masonic concept that cannot be accepted by any Catholic.'
16:22 – Fr. Hesse begins to go over the history of the censures against the SSPX.
18:40 – '[…] Back in Rome they said the exact contrary, which is typical for conciliar methods: you lie, cheat, and swindle. When you read Vatican II and its footnotes, you will find out that they lied, cheat, and swindle.'
20:39 – 'So this is the method of tyrants. They use canon law when it serves their purposes. But they do not understand canon law, they do not understand Divine Law, they do not understand Eternal Law, and they do not understand the meaning of law itself, the purpose of law: justice.'
29:48 – '[…] The Novus Ordo missae is NOT a work of the Church. It has no blessing from the Church and it's against Divine Law: I've proved this.'
32:32 – About Cardinal Ratzinger's (now Pope Benedict XVI)'s stalling with Archbishop Lefebvre.
35:28 – 'The Fraternity of St. Peter was founded for the only and exclusive purpose to get people away from the Society of St. Pius X. Ain't that nice? An organization like this does not have the blessing of the Holy Spirit because the Church does not do things like this. The Church does not do that.'
39:23 – '[The SSPX] are the only ones who – unlike me, in rather milder terms but very definitely – acknowledge the fact that the present Pope's encyclicals are packed with heresy.'
40:19 – 'The Institute of Christ the King, founded by Msgr. Wach: And because I was stupid enough not to see what was going on – and I'd like to have this on tape because Msgr. Wach never tells anybody about it – the Institute of Christ the King could only be founded because I was the bum who made it possible that he had four priests ordained. I'm not going to say how I did it.'
43:20 – Fr. Hesse jokes about the null and void Ecclesia Dei decree 'allowing' him to celebrate Mass privately in the old rite.
49:02 – 'The faithful have the right –God-given right – to receive the sacraments in their own rite. My own rite is NOT the Novus Ordo of Paul VI of infelicitous memory. My own rite is the everlasting Mass – the Mass of All Times – that is my own rite, not a newly written up rite.'
58:50 – 'So I cannot call the Pope a liar because I do not know if he deliberately lies. I can definitely call him ignorant of canon law. That's not a sin. I have to presume in charity that he did not deliberately lie. In this case, I have to conclude the guy does not know his own canon law. Sorry. But Ecclesia Dei proves what I say: the Pope does not know his own canon law. And this has been proven.'
1:00:35 – 'Just to show you: Rome does not know where they stand. But I can tell you one thing: I know where I stand. Thank God! Thank you. Cheers.'
1:04:01 – 'This is not a lawful Church: this is tyranny!'
1:11:03 – Fr. Hesse answers the question why the veil of blindness is mostly in Rome.
1:11:29 – 'I've been asked very often how is it possible that out of 3,000 bishops, 2,994 are following the Novus Ordo and all the heresies of today. How is it possible?' Fr. Hesse gives us an estimate on a percentage. Many of the clergy don't want to lose their beautiful job (materialism). Many of the clergy are misled and grew up in the new Church and don't know any better. Some of the clergy are stubborn. Then there are infiltrators.
1:14:06 – Fr. Hesse on infiltrators and those who want to destroy the Church. On the communist KGB agents.
1:15:10 – 'Only a tiny minority of the members of the Hierarchy are members of the Masonic Lodges. Look: with most of them, why would the Lodges be stupid enough to accept them into the Lodge if they do anyway what they want? The usual priest today, the usual bishop today is nothing else but the useful idiot Lenin mentions so often in his works.' On the fake vs. authentic list of Masons in the Vatican.
For the other timestamps, information about Fr. Hesse, and for free MP3's of his talks, see my comments in the comments section of this video.52:01
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